Are we solving the real problem?

Monday, June 25, 2007

Yet another reason to practice TDD - joeyDotNet

This is a great article that discusses the pros/cons of TDD, non TDD.

Yet another reason to practice TDD - joeyDotNet

Yet another reason to practice TDD

Things have been a little slow on the blog lately because this week is the start of a new job/company for me. I'm still getting a feel for things and of course one of the first things I'm trying to get folks interested in is TDD. I have a usual list of advantages and points that I use for getting across to folks the benefits of practicing TDD. Most of which center around the fact that TDD is primarily a design tool, and the fact that you get a nice set of automated regression tests is just a nice side effect. TDD is not about testing!

But today, after looking at some existing code, I thought of another example that does explain one way in which the "Test" part of TDD is very beneficial.

(For you fellow experienced TDD practitioners, this will be very obvious to you. So this is mainly for those who are still struggling with "why do I need TDD/Unit Testing?"...)

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Embrace change, your life depends on it

Embrace change, your life depends on it: "Let me first start by warning you that this is a fairly long post. I suspect most people won’t make it to the end. However, if you are serious about being happy, I hope you can at least spend 5 mins reading what I have written.

It will change your life. I promise.

I have been an independent software contractor for several years, performing all sorts of IT development services for clients about town. The agency whom I have been representing at client sites is currently undergoing a major change - they have just been sold to a big consultancy.

Boom! Scary!

As a result of the merger, lots of change is happening. Some folks are questioning where things are headed, what management have planned, how their lives will change etc. Most certainly, there will be job losses as the two companies consolidate things, in particular administrative positions.

With the chaos that’s been unfolding, I’ve thought a bit about “change” in general. What is it? Why do people resist it? Is it always a good thing? What should I do?

With some reflection, I realised that with all inspiration, creation, thought and progress, some form of change must be a precursor. Things just don’t happen on their own. You know the old scientific principle of “energy cannot be "

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

StarUML - The Open Source UML/MDA Platform

StarUML - The Open Source UML/MDA Platform

StarUML - The Open Source UML/MDA Platform
StarUML is an open source project to develop fast, flexible, extensible, featureful, and freely-available UML/MDA platform running on Win32 platform. The goal of the StarUML project is to build a software modeling tool and also platform that is a compelling replacement of commercial UML tools such as Rational Rose, Together and so on.

* UML 2.0 : UML is continuously expanding standard managed by OMG(Object Management Group). Recently, UML 2.0 is released and StarUML support UML 2.0 and will support lastest UML standard.
* MDA (Model Driven Architecture) : MDA is a new technology introduced by OMG. To get advantages of MDA, software modeling tool should support many customization variables. StarUML is designed to support MDA and provides many customization variables like as UML profile, Approach, Model Framework, NX(notation extension), MDA code and document template and so on. They will help you fitting tool into your organizational cultures, processes, and projects.
* Plug-in Architecture : Many users require more and more functionalities to software modeling tools. To meet the requirements, the tool must have well-defined plug-in platform. StarUML provides simple and powerful plug-in architecture so anyone can develop plug-in modules in COM-compatible languages (C++, Delphi, C#, VB, ...)
* Usability : Usability is most important issue in software development. StarUML is implemented to provide many user-friend features such as Quick dialog, Keyboard manipulation, Diagram overview, etc.

StarUML is mostly written in Delphi. However, StarUML is multi-lingual project and not tied to specific programming language, so any programming languages can be used to develop StarUML. (for example, C/C++, Java, Visual Basic, Delphi, JScript, VBScript, C#, VB.NET, ...)