Are we solving the real problem?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

IT on course to become a profession, says BCS - 24/Jan/2007 -

IT on course to become a profession, says BCS - 24/Jan/2007 - "IT is on the way to becoming a profession with the same ethical and professional standards as medicine and the law, MPs and IT practitioners heard recently."

Very good article that makes IT people like myself feel a bit more special :-)

Would be good to see similar avenues in Australia. Perhaps the ACS are already addressing this.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Positivity Blog

I have a lot of feeds in Google Reader, most worth a read, but one that I always keep a look out for is the Positivity Blog.

Some great stuff here from Henrik Edberg, a 26 yr old from Sweden. He is not a specialist, like a pyshologist, just an enthusiast who collects and shares information on how to be positive.

Healthy mind, healthy person....